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The Fallas festival 2014

Come to Valencia and experience Fallas 2014 before 19 March


The Fallas festival has been declared of “International Tourist Interest”. For 3 weeks it takes over Valencia, giving the city a unique, out-of-the-ordinary atmosphere. The city spends all year preparing for the festival: thousands of people, Valencians and “falleros” take to the city streets to stroll and enjoy the  festive mood.

If you want to have a good time, come to Valencia and enjoy the FALLAS experience. But remember to bring comfortable shoes! During the festival around 700 streets are closed to traffic and so it’s easy to get around on foot.

From 1 to 19 March, every day at 14.00 h there is a Mascletà in the Town Hall Square (Plaza del Ayuntamiento), only a stone’s throw from Route 66 Idiomas. This is the ideal event to attend after your Spanish classes. The thunderous display of firecrackers allows you to hear and feel an event similar to a concert, but one which often exceeds 120 decibels.


These “compositions” differ depending on the pyrotechnician who designs them. The best at the moment is Vicente Caballer, who is renowned worldwide. The City Council’s budget for these displays ranges from €6,000 to €9,000 per day.

After attending the Mascletà you can go back to class at Route 66 Idiomas or enjoy the sun and the party atmosphere in the city. You can relax and try hot chocolate with churros, a typical Fallas snack.


Don’t miss the chance to learn a language and experience Las Fallas de Valencia at the same time! Get in touch with us and we’ll give you information about the course options that best suit you. Remember that Route 66 Idiomas Language School is right in the centre of Valencia.


Every week we will publish more news about Las Fallas de Valencia. Keep an eye on our blog!

