Terms and conditions of Route 66 Idiomas language school
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Terms and conditions

General Terms and conditions

Enrolling on a language course imparted by Route 66 Idiomas (hereinafter “the School”) implies the acceptance of all of the following terms and conditions:

  • The lessons may be taught by different teachers to allow students to hear different accents.
  • Students can postpone or cancel a private lesson if they inform the School’s administrative staff by telephone or e-mail with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. If a student is absent and has not given at least 24 hours’ notice, this lesson will be deemed as missed and will not be refunded.
  • Group courses take place on the days and times determined by the School; students cannot change the dates and times of these lessons.
  • The School will not be responsible for any loss, theft, damage or injury incurred during a student’s time at the School. Students will be held responsible for any damages they cause in the School.
  • Valencia Region official complaint forms are available upon request.
  • No refund will be given if an enrolment is cancelled after the course has begun. All the classes the student has been unable to attend will remain pending and the student may arrange to take up said classes at a mutually-convenient future date. There will be no cut-off date for when the student may take up the aforementioned classes. However, in the event of there being extenuating circumstances, the School may decide to make a concession to this rule.
  • In accordance with the stipulations of Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December concerning Personal Data Protection, we hereby inform you that details collected from you will be stored in a data file managed by ROUTE 66 IDIOMAS SLU in order to fulfil the commitments arising from our relationship with you. Moreover, we inform you that you can exercise your access, cancellation, rectification and opposition rights by writing to the School at the following address: C/ MORATIN, NO. 15-4ª, 46002 VALENCIA.
  • Unless you tell us otherwise, we will understand there have been no changes to your details. You undertake to inform us of any change to said details and give us your consent to use them to further our contractual relationship. You also give your consent for us to share your details with other companies when necessary in order to execute this contract or improve the relationship between both parties. You also give consent for us to send promotional information we believe could interest you to the postal address you have given us.
  • Route 66 Idiomas will do our best to ensure that the information on our website is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We cannot, however, exclude the possibility that this information may contain inaccuracies or typing errors. Should you notice any inaccuracies, please inform us immediately.
  • You must read and accept these terms and conditions upon enrolment by clicking on the option at the bottom of the form next to where it says “I have read and I accept Route 66 Idiomas’ Terms and Conditions”. However, on the first day of their course, the student must also sign a hard copy of these Terms and Conditions.
Spanish Course Terms and Conditions
  • To reserve a place on a course, we require a pre-payment of €200 from the student. The balance can be paid on the first day of the course. After receipt of this pre-payment is confirmed, the School will send the student an enrolment confirmation.
  • Course prices do not include accommodation, insurance, or airport transfers, unless otherwise stated.
  • Class size: a minimum of 3 students; a maximum of 10 students. If the minimum number of students to form a class group is not reached (three students), two other options may be available for the same price (until the minimum of 3 students enrol in the same class group):
    • 1. In the case of a group of 2 students, they would be offered 12.5 hours of class a week instead of 20 hours/week.
    • 2. In the event that only 1 student enrols, the course will be offered as private classes (5 hours of private lessons a week instead of 20 hours/week group classes).
  • The teaching time for each hour of class is 55 minutes.
  • If a student cancels their course booking more than 15 calendar days before their course start date, the School will refund them 50% of their pre-payment (€100) and any other course fees they may have paid. If the student cancels their booking during the 15 days before their course start date, the School will not refund the student the €200 pre-payment. However, any other fees paid in advance will be refunded. Once the course has started, no refunds will be given in the event of cancellation. All the classes the student has been unable to attend will remain pending and the student may arrange to take up said classes at a mutually-convenient future date. There will be no cut-off date for when the student may take up the aforementioned classes. However, in the event of there being extenuating circumstances, the School may decide to make a concession to this rule.
  • All payments should be accompanied by the student’s name. Bank fees charged by the transferring bank will be paid by the student.
  • Language course and accommodation fees can be paid together in one single bank transfer. If the student wishes to pay in this way, they must make it clear in the transfer notes that they are paying for both the course and accommodation.
  • In the case of group classes, if a student misses a class because they are ill they will not be able to recover said class. If a student is absent from classes for more than one week, and as long as they are able to present us with the appropriate doctor’s certificate, we will decide if there are sufficient grounds to suspend their course attendance so they do not lose further classes.
  • Students who have contracted a course of 32 weeks or more have the period of one year to complete said course. Therefore, if the student wishes, they are able to request weeks off from attending their course. These vacation weeks can be requested from Route 66 Idiomas via email, but must always be requested at least 7 days before the start of said vacation time.
Accommodation Terms and Conditions
  • A week is 6 nights.
  • To reserve accommodation, €200 per person must be paid in advance.
  • To cancel an accommodation booking, a student must notify the School at least 2 weeks before the date they are due to enter their accommodation. If less than 2 weeks’ notice is given, the School will not refund the student’s advance payment.
  • If the student decides to cancel their accommodation after arrival, we are unable to reimburse any of the money they have paid for their accommodation. However, in the event of there being extenuating circumstances, the School may decide to make a concession to this rule.
  • Students can start and leave their accommodation on any day. Extra days will be invoiced when the decision is made to extend the stay (either before or after the student arrives in Spain). The ability of a student to extend their stay in their existing accommodation will depend on whether it is available beyond their original stay dates.
  • All payments should be accompanied by the student’s name. Bank fees charged by the transferring bank will be paid by the student.
Students applying for a student visa or a visa extension
  • In most countries, the visa-issuing authorities require proof that the student has paid for their Spanish course in advance and in full. When the student pays the School for their course, Route 66 Idiomas will send the student a certificate to attest that they are enrolled on a course and have paid for it, with details of the course duration and any other information necessary for the administration of the course.
  • Should the Spanish authorities, Embassy or Consulate reject the application and not issue a visa, the School will refund the money already paid for the course but only after having deducted an administrative charge of €275 (TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE EUROS) to cover the administrative processes carried out by the School.
  • To prevent fraud, should a student visa or a visa extension be denied, a refund for the cost of the Spanish course will only be made once the School has received a true copy of the visa application definitive rejection notice (there must be no possibility of appealing the decision) issued by the Spanish authorities, Embassy or Consulate.
  • The refund will be made to the same account which was used to make the payment to the School. Should a request be received to refund the money to a different account, the School will first require proof that the new account for the refund is in the name of the person who enrolled in the language course.
  • Should the course be cancelled after it has begun, no refund will be made. All the classes the student has been unable to attend will remain pending and the student may arrange to take up said classes at a mutually-convenient future date. There will be no cut-off date for when the student may take up the aforementioned classes. However, should there be extenuating circumstances, the School may decide to make an exception to this rule.
Requirements to meet the criteria for a one-year student visa (visas for shorter periods work in a similar way)
  • Students must have classes for a minimum of 32 weeks, 20 hours per week: a total of 160 classes, with each class 4 hours in duration. Students must attend at least 80%, i.e. 128, of said classes.
  • The course studied must finish before the end of the one-year visa period (please see: course enrolment and end dates).
  • If a student does not attend, or only partially attends a class, they will be registered as absent.
  • If a student’s attendance is lower than 80% they will not receive a course completion certificate, in accordance with Instituto Cervantes rules.
  • A student must make progress in their studies and improve their level of Spanish over the course of the academic year. A level can be repeated once, and the student will be asked to make every effort to improve their level.
  • The academy can suspend a student from the course if their behavior in class is not appropriate. If a student does not fulfil their obligations and fails to do their work they can be suspended for a determined period of time. This may affect whether they receive a course completion certificate (due to not having met the attendance requirements). Students can pay for further Spanish classes in addition to those covered by their visa to help them improve their level of Spanish.

Very important, please note:

Within the year covered by the visa (the academic year), how the student organizes their vacation time is very important. In addition to local and national public holidays, the student may take vacation time 4 times a year. Vacation time must be requested via email, giving a minimum of one-week’s notice. Said vacation time must be taken in periods of whole weeks. A student may request all the vacation time they are entitled to take, however they must remember that they are required to attend 80% of their classes and take into account that unforeseen events may occur during the year (e.g. illness) which may prevent them attending class. The minimum attendance percentage is a non-negotiable requirement. To comply with Instituto Cervantes rules, we cannot overlook under-attendance for any reason.

Spanish Study Trips: Terms and conditions


  • Once the study trip program has been drawn up with the interested primary school, high school, education college or university and a final price for the program has been accepted, an amount equivalent to 30% of the total price* must be paid as a deposit within the 14 days after the price is accepted (*total price = cost per individual x number of program participants).
  • The remaining 70% of the price must be paid in full no later than 5 weeks before the start of the study trip.
  • Once the payments have been received, the School will send a confirmatory receipt.
  • The program price does not include insurances, such as cancellation insurance, medical insurance and civil liability insurance to cover the participants. The contracting of such insurances is the responsibility of the participants and the primary school, high school, education college or university which organizes the trip.


A- Cancellations made by individual participants, by some members of the group, or the entire group:

1- Cancellations made by individual participants:

  • Cancellations made more than 5 weeks before the first day of the trip: The 30% deposit is non-refundable.
  • Cancellations made less than 5 weeks before the first day of the trip: a refund of 35% of the agreed (and received) individual price will be issued.
  • Cancellation on or after the first day of the trip: no refund will be issued.
  • Refunds will be issued during the first week of the trip.

2- In the event of cancellation by more than 25% of the original number of participants, no refunds will be issued.

3- Cancellation of the entire study group:

  • Cancellations made more than 5 weeks before the first day of the trip: the 30% deposit is non-refundable.
  • Cancellations made less than 5 weeks before the first day of the trip: the 30% deposit will not be refunded and alternative dates for the study trip will be sought (to take place in a maximum period of 12 months after the originally-contracted trip start date). The rest of the total price paid (70%) will be used as a deposit for this new, alternative trip.

The remaining 30% of the total original price must be paid again, no later than 5 weeks before the start of the new, alternative study trip.

The program, price, and terms and conditions will be the same as those originally agreed.

  • If the primary school, secondary school, education college or university does not wish to arrange an alternative study trip on dates different to those originally agreed, the School will refund 35% of the total price of the study trip contracted with the School.

B. Cancellations by the School:

Should the School have to cancel the study trip at any time, the options will be to reschedule the trip or, where applicable, proceed to a 100% refund of payments, as follows:

  • First, alternative dates for the study trip will be sought.
  • If it is not possible within the 2 months immediately after the moment of cancellation to find suitable alternative dates for an alternative trip to take place within the following 12 months, the School will refund 100% of the payments received.

These terms and conditions may be personalized as required.

Cancellations by the school due to force majeure
  • If, in an event of force majeure for which the School bears no fault, the contracted service has to be cancelled, the School will work with the contracting party to find an agreed solution to enable the service to be provided as soon as possible.
  • Any unforeseen and exceptional situation or event occurring in Spain which is beyond the control of the School, which prevents the School from fulfilling any of its contractual obligations, which does not arise from error or negligence by the School and which is unavoidable despite the exercise of due diligence will be deemed an event of force majeure. For example, natural disasters, pandemics or border closures.
  • Should events of force majeure occur, the School will follow instructions issued by the Spanish authorities.
  • Should the School and the students or those contracting the service not agree a solution: the School will have a period of twelve months to refund the monies paid by the students or those contracting the service, having first deducted monies for services rendered. The period of twelve months will be counted from the day on which the Spanish authorities declare the end of the force majeure event (for example: in the case of border closures, from the day the borders are reopened; in the event of a national emergency having been declared, from the day this is announced to have come to an end).